Proven Features of DT LIGHT® Posts:
The Double Taper Design (DT)
In 1990 some Endodontists and Prosthodontists at the University of Montreal thought it was about time to design a post that would fit the root canal, instead of adapting the canal to the post’s design, as was often the case at that time. The outcome of this idea was the double tapered DT post. In order to determine the correct anatomic shape, 967 canals in extracted teeth were analysed after they had been endodontically treated with various techniques. Hundreds of measurements were taken and calculations made in order to optimise the diameter and taper of each canal in each tooth. This radiographic investigation generally showed a double taper, i.e. a smaller diameter in the apical third and a larger one in the coronal section.
A thin post bends more under lesser load than a post with a larger diameter and the same elasticity modulus. The diameter of the DT post, being relatively thin inside the root canal, provides a flexibility similar to dentin, whereas, where greater stability is needed, i.e. where the post exits the root canal and inside the build-up, its diameter is larger. (Lit. 6)
The authors Scotti and Baldassara (Lit. 8) suggest in their study that in clinical cases with no remaining coronal dentin, the posts with a larger diameter are able to better resist dislocation of the build-up and, therefore, reduce the risk of fracture of the restoration.
DT Light and DT Light SL are available in 4 sizes.